
Our coaches have written these amazing articles as a free resource for anyone looking to improve their ketogenic lifestyle and diet.

Calories: Do they Count?

Sure! But not like you might think. If weight loss and better health were as simple as eating at a caloric deficit, we would have all been skinny ...

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Elaina Wang

Let's talk about the when and how of various kinds of fasting. Intermittent Fasting: This is when you limit your eating each day to a specific tim...

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Elaina Wang

A common topic of discussion in the Keto world, especially among newbies, is whether or not you can (or should) get your electrolytes from athletic...

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Look In the Mirror

Elaina Wang

You know that moment when you put something new and exciting on, you feel amazing, and you look in the mirror? For the those first few moments you...

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It’s a myth that people can’t change. You absolutely can, but you need to be able to step outside of your comfort zone and, for most of us, that ca...

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Positive Thinking

Embrace the power of positive thinking! I hear it all the time: "I got on the scale and it hasn’t changed!” or, "I got on the scale and it’s up 3l...

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The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg

Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, which makes them a great keto food. Like most ketonians, they are a huge staple in my keto diet, but after spend...

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Real Food and Supplements

There’s no doubt about it, we live in an age of pharmaceuticals and quick fixes. Got a health problem? There’s a drug for that! There are many issu...

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Okay, let's bring in some science about keto and stress. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced when the body perceives a stressful situati...

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Breast Health

Can we talk a bit about breast health? I’m almost 53 as I write this, and at this age it’s a bit scary to find 3 new lumps in your breast. I say n...

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Travel Tip

Here's a little tip for travelers. Over the last 10 days, I flew across 14 time zones (7 time zones for each flight) ... 17 hours flying time from...

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Why Have a Coach?

Picture this: You are the driver of your car, taking a new journey on the road to Wellness. You’re enjoying the scenery and your own company, you b...

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Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

After a year of committed keto, I needed a personalized plan to improve progress and healing. I hired a coach to help fine-tune my methods and immediately regretted waiting so long to hire one. Thanks to the coaching expertise of Elaina Wang, I am no longer stalled and have the confidence to properly fast which has improved healing for a couple of health issues.

Tina C.

I love the coaching program! It’s really helped me refine my macros and get that extra “umph” of motivation that I was needing. Cost? Well, for pretty much unlimited support via email and the weekly one on one that I’ve purchased, the value CAN’T be beat!!! I encourage everyone to invest in themselves if you’ve been thinking about coaching at all...don’t wait a year like I did!!!

Ellyn M.

I enlisted Elaina’s help with a macro evaluation and then with email coaching. What a wealth of knowledge! She helped me to understand that I was insulin resistant, which was causing me to lose weight slowly. She also suggested that I stop ALL sweeteners, including diet drinks so that my body wouldn’t elicit an insulin response. The result? I started losing weight again!

She also told me not to compare my journey with other folks’ journey because we are all different; that was a huge piece of encouragement for me.

Susie C.

I started with coach Lisa nine months ago — long enough go grow and birth a baby! And with the work we did on roots of my eating issues I feel I really have had a rebirth of sorts. I no longer binge, no longer think about food 24/7 (yes, I even dreamed of food), no longer run to food for comfort, love, distraction or as a sedative or tranquilizer. She worked with me through three exceptionally hard events in my life and I stayed Keto strong through it all. I could not have done it without my coach.

Miriam H.

I started Keto after watching three people I love die due to complications from diabetes. I had gained 50lbs since running a half marathon just two years ago. When the scale stalled, I didn’t want to give up so I started looking for a coach.  After reviewing Michelle Hurn’s profile, her story spoke to me. I signed up immediately, downloaded her brilliant book and set up my first session.
What I have realized in the past two months of working together is that the scale (though moving in the right direction) has become less of a driver for me. I have noticed a HUGE change in my anxiety and my skin is amazing. I feel focused, full, satisfied, clear and happy. My glucose levels are completely stable, my sleep has never been better, my heart rate is lower when working out, my inflammation seems to have completely gone away and I no longer have a “food baby” at the end of each day.
I have been so fortunate to learn from a true expert in this field. I am seeing the truly unlimited potential of my body through fuel. I can’t wait to get stronger, leaner, and healthier. I know with Michelle’s help I will FINALLY lose all my “baby weight” before my kids leave for college in the next four years.
I cannot recommend Michelle Hurn enough. She has changed my life.
