Email Coaching

Monthly subscription for coaching by email

Who should choose this plan? This is a great option for someone who wants macros and a review daily/weekly food logs.  This is NOT a good choice for people new to keto with a lot of questions, or people who need emotional/mindset support.


  • Access to secret group only for members
  • Conducted over email
  • Custom macros evaluations
  • Led by coach Elaina Wang


USD $129.00 (Monthly)

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Please Note:

  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

I began Keto in January 2017, in February I decided to give MYSELF some LOVE and I got a KETO COACH! Linda was such a great Keto Coach she helped me understand Keto, it also was great to have a knowledgeable, Ketofied friend and teacher to help me through the maze of questions and concerns. Having a Keto coach, helped me so much, I am at my goal, comfortable in my skin, I understand the principles of the Keto WOE. I am so thankful and grateful for the knowledge and support I have received through the Keto coaching community!

Heidi H.

Joining the Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching program changed my life! I decided that my health was my priority and it was/is worth every penny!

Melodie Z.

I want to stick to the keto woe. My coach is my sounding board when I have questions, concerns, trouble or just support. It's different from familial support because she's been there & knows what you're going through. I always spend on everyone else but never on myself. Well this is my "gift to self."

Renee G.

I had to throw all my size 12 skinny jeans to the giveaway pile and am now in a size 10 comfortably. I also took all my size XL and LG shirts and put them in the giveaway pile. I’m now in a medium. I have to buy all new summer clothes along with winter. It’s weird thru all this I haven’t focused on my size at all. I’ve focused on my energy, mental health, skin and hair growth. I’m 53 so at the point that I want to be able to move to play with my grandkids and continue my everyday life with gusto. I’m thrilled with these results so far and the next 6 months will work toward gaining more muscle.


I really like working with Tiffany, because though I have gone off the rails a few times, she has never made me feel bad about doing so. Tiffany asks you the questions that you should answer on why and how did you feel about that. I think having her coach me through some hard things have kept me going and has helped me change my mindset which has been a work in progress! 

I had been part of another Keto group which was fine, but I wanted to explore Carnivore living! I’m glad I did and loving it! 

Earlene N.