Email Coaching

Monthly subscription for coaching by email

Who should choose this plan? This is a great option for someone who wants macros and a review daily/weekly food logs.  This is NOT a good choice for people new to keto with a lot of questions, or people who need emotional/mindset support.


  • Access to secret group only for members
  • Conducted over email
  • Custom macros evaluations
  • Led by coach Elaina Wang


USD $129.00 (Monthly)

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Please Note:

  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

I was about 1 month in and didn’t know what I was doing. I decided the only way I was going to be successful was to get a coach! Sabrina has brought great clarity to my understanding of the keto lifestyle and how it has not only helped me lose weight, but how it is healing my body. You’ve helped me remain accountable to myself and you always give me just the push I need to read, learn and understand how to navigate the keto lifestyle, to stay positive and “keto on”...getting a coach is the best thing you can do for yourself when you’re just starting out!! If you can fit it into your budget anyway possible, Just Do It!!! You won’t regret it!! Thanks so much Sabrina you rock!!!

Lisa T.

I want to give a shout out to my Ketogenic Lifestyle Coach, she has been amazing at helping me continue the journey and meet my goals. Thank you for all of your help and wisdom! Getting a coach to help me has been my favorite choice of self care so far!

Jennifer F.

My only regret is that I didn't start the coaching program on day 1. I did start at about week 3, and it has made a huge difference for me. Not only is the coach amazing, but the other ladies in my group have become like family. We share our successes and struggles. We all have similar goals, but coming at it from different backgrounds and different challenges and it helps to hear different perspectives and learn from each other, and cheer each other on. Group coaching is the best investment I have made in myself.

Cindy K.

Ketovangelist coaching, in particular, Linda, has given me a sense of not being alone and of being accepted. She helped answer questions and always pointed me towards education! Just knowing she is there gives me quiet comfort. Love it! I am in the midst of my journey and feel like new things to be addressed pop up still but I am so much farther along than I ever thought I would be.

Kathy P.S.

I had to throw all my size 12 skinny jeans to the giveaway pile and am now in a size 10 comfortably. I also took all my size XL and LG shirts and put them in the giveaway pile. I’m now in a medium. I have to buy all new summer clothes along with winter. It’s weird thru all this I haven’t focused on my size at all. I’ve focused on my energy, mental health, skin and hair growth. I’m 53 so at the point that I want to be able to move to play with my grandkids and continue my everyday life with gusto. I’m thrilled with these results so far and the next 6 months will work toward gaining more muscle.
