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12 One-on-One Sessions

Twelve (1-hour) sessions

Too busy to commit to a weekly meeting?

Hectic schedule that looks different every week?

Maximize one-on-one coaching by scheduling each of your sessions based your current schedule and the area of your life that needs attention.

No subscriptions required. No recurring charges. Must use all sessions within one year.



USD $1150.00 (One-Time)

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Please Note:

  • This is not an ongoing coaching relationship and does not include macros, personalized assessments etc unless explicitly stated. Your participation will enrich your experience.
  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

I gifted myself coaching with Elaina. I love it! It helps hold me accountable and she steers me in the right direction. Very much needed on my journey.

Heather Z.

Shout out to Kimmi for telling me what I already knew...but just didn't want to admit to; To Mary for being so relatable and the first person I thought understood my struggle (also for being a fashion diva--love your shoes although I'm sure I'd fall on my face); To Elaina for her sense of humor; To Jessyca for stressing the importance of family; To Katrina for proving that being better doesn't mean that you are going to end up perfect; To Michelyn for her cheery disposition and beautiful smile; To Linda who helps me focus on the journey; To Sabrina who reminds us to love life; To Mitzi who lives life to the fullest and has followed a journey so similar to mine (and to embrace the aging process as it can be beautiful-you own it!). To Lauren who has taken time to help me understand some of the weird stuff...Every coach has been inspirational, motivational, and educational to me. And it has been quite the experience to have had the opportunity to follow several of the coaches progress--because we are all a work in progress. I'm a tab bit jealous of people just starting out to have access to such great keto coaches--I wish I would have had the opportunity; it would have saved me a lot of trial and error. But, I am so happy to have found this family and I look forward to meeting many of you in Austin.

Mary H.

Jessyca is my “Metabolism Whisperer.”  With her help, encouragement and wisdom, I have lost over 60 pounds since March, 2018.   When I started this journey, it was all about losing weight, but let me tell you what I have GAINED through working with her...confidence in myself and my abilities to set and reach measurable goals.  I am able to play with my daughter again.  I can RUN again!  When I started keto, I couldn’t even walk around the block without feeling defeated.  I have gotten rid of depression and anxiety and addressed disordered patterns of eating and thinking that have haunted me since childhood.  I have gotten off of two medications (for high blood pressure and an anti-epileptic that had become toxic to my liver).  Jessyca has helped me weather so many changes in such a short time...selling my house, a cross country move, a career change, supporting a loved one with metastatic cancer, navigation of unhealthy relationships with people and with food.  Jessyca has been an invaluable partner and inspiration to me on this journey.  She holds me accountable.  She helps me identify disordered behaviors and helps me find new ways of looking at things.  I am fitting into clothes and sizes I haven’t worn in 20 years!  When I think about my experience with keto & Jessyca, it’s with profound gratitude, because I really feel as if I gained my LIFE back.  I am a happier person and mother.  Jessyca is knowledgeable, resourceful, empathic and she will be in the trenches with you helping you reach your goals every day.  You will definitely lose with keto, but you will gain so much more than you ever imagined with her coaching.

Rachel J.

I want to stick to the keto woe. My coach is my sounding board when I have questions, concerns, trouble or just support. It's different from familial support because she's been there & knows what you're going through. I always spend on everyone else but never on myself. Well this is my "gift to self."

Renee G.

Ketovangelist coaching, in particular, Linda, has given me a sense of not being alone and of being accepted. She helped answer questions and always pointed me towards education! Just knowing she is there gives me quiet comfort. Love it! I am in the midst of my journey and feel like new things to be addressed pop up still but I am so much farther along than I ever thought I would be.

Kathy P.S.