Email Coaching

Monthly subscription for coaching by email

Who should choose this plan? This is a great option for someone who wants macros and a review daily/weekly food logs.  This is NOT a good choice for people new to keto with a lot of questions, or people who need emotional/mindset support.


  • Access to secret group only for members
  • Conducted over email
  • Custom macros evaluations
  • Led by coach Elaina Wang


USD $129.00 (Monthly)

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Please Note:

  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Joining the Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching program changed my life! I decided that my health was my priority and it was/is worth every penny!

Melodie Z.

Jessyca is my “Metabolism Whisperer.”  With her help, encouragement and wisdom, I have lost over 60 pounds since March, 2018.   When I started this journey, it was all about losing weight, but let me tell you what I have GAINED through working with her...confidence in myself and my abilities to set and reach measurable goals.  I am able to play with my daughter again.  I can RUN again!  When I started keto, I couldn’t even walk around the block without feeling defeated.  I have gotten rid of depression and anxiety and addressed disordered patterns of eating and thinking that have haunted me since childhood.  I have gotten off of two medications (for high blood pressure and an anti-epileptic that had become toxic to my liver).  Jessyca has helped me weather so many changes in such a short time...selling my house, a cross country move, a career change, supporting a loved one with metastatic cancer, navigation of unhealthy relationships with people and with food.  Jessyca has been an invaluable partner and inspiration to me on this journey.  She holds me accountable.  She helps me identify disordered behaviors and helps me find new ways of looking at things.  I am fitting into clothes and sizes I haven’t worn in 20 years!  When I think about my experience with keto & Jessyca, it’s with profound gratitude, because I really feel as if I gained my LIFE back.  I am a happier person and mother.  Jessyca is knowledgeable, resourceful, empathic and she will be in the trenches with you helping you reach your goals every day.  You will definitely lose with keto, but you will gain so much more than you ever imagined with her coaching.

Rachel J.

I would recommend coaching to anyone wanting to get Keto "down pat." I met with Linda via the computer once a week and she helped answer my questions; suggested resources such as websites, books and recipes; helped with macros; provided much needed support and so much more.

I knew that I personally needed accountability and by having once a week meetings, she held me to that while I adjusted to the changes in my life due to Keto.

Mary E.

I went through menopause at 40 and began to really struggle with my weight. I was no longer seeing success with the "normal" weight loss plans that had worked in my 20s and 30s and I was at my wit's end. I hired Katrina as my coach because I could not wrap my head around eating fat. I was terrified I would do it wrong and continue to gain. Figuring out the food ended up being the easy part - fixing my thinking and setting reasonable expectations for MY unique journey was where coaching was truly invaluable. I was a relatively slow loser and having Katrina help me understand why my progress was slow helped me stay the course. She also encouraged me focus on the non-scale benefits of Keto such as better sleep and no more aches and pains instead of being singularly focused on the scale. Thanks to Keto, I now feel better than I did in my 20s! Courtney (48 years old).

Courtney R.

I started with coach Lisa nine months ago — long enough go grow and birth a baby! And with the work we did on roots of my eating issues I feel I really have had a rebirth of sorts. I no longer binge, no longer think about food 24/7 (yes, I even dreamed of food), no longer run to food for comfort, love, distraction or as a sedative or tranquilizer. She worked with me through three exceptionally hard events in my life and I stayed Keto strong through it all. I could not have done it without my coach.

Miriam H.