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Positive Thinking


Embrace the power of positive thinking!

I hear it all the time: "I got on the scale and it hasn’t changed!” or, "I got on the scale and it’s up 3lbs!" or, "I’ve been keto for 30 days and only lost 2lbs."

If this sounds like you, it is time to cut the mental fat, so you can cut your body fat.

How you see yourself determines your actions. If we see ourselves as failures, we will fail. However, if we see ourselves succeeding, then we WILL succeed.

Negative thoughts can lead you down the never ending rabbit whole of negativity. What is your internal dialogue when you look in a mirror? If your thoughts about yourself are bad or degrading, saying or thinking things to yourself like, "I will always be fat," and, "I hate doing exercise," then say out loud, "STOP IT!" This action breaks your train of thought. Now we have room to let in some positivity.

The power is in positive thinking. Positive self talk allows you to take on a healthier lifestyle. Telling yourself things like, "I will meet my step goal for the day," or, "Today I will make the best choices for my health," keeps your brain in the game which goes a long way to helping you stay the course.

Don't expect this to change your life immediately, but with time and practice it will! Remember: We didn’t form our bad habits or gain our weight overnight. It is unrealistic to think we are going to fix everything in a day, or even month. Be kind to yourself and focus on what is attainable. Make an effort to change your thoughts. With practice, it will change your life!

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching has changed my life. This is not something I say lightly. I went from prediabetic, obese, and frustrated from 40 years of failed diets and “I will start on this new diet on Monday” to normal weight, perfect blood glucose, amazing energy, and some bonuses like my allergies are gone, my skin looks 15 years younger, and chronic digestive issues are a thing of the past. More importantly, with the support of my coach I have stopped dieting and started living!

Sharon F.

My only regret is that I didn't start the coaching program on day 1. I did start at about week 3, and it has made a huge difference for me. Not only is the coach amazing, but the other ladies in my group have become like family. We share our successes and struggles. We all have similar goals, but coming at it from different backgrounds and different challenges and it helps to hear different perspectives and learn from each other, and cheer each other on. Group coaching is the best investment I have made in myself.

Cindy K.

If you're thinking about the Keto WOL and not sure how to start...get a coach, they are priceless. If you started this WOL and are struggling, getting mixed messages from different sources, not getting results, etc. get a coach...they are priceless. Ketovangelist Coaches have been there, done that and can save you a lot of struggle. Believe me, hind sight is 20/20. I started Keto September 6, 2016. Thought I couldn't afford a coach. Thank goodness when teetering between quitting Keto and getting a coach I made the right choice. I'm almost a year in and not only meeting, but surpassing some of my health, weight and fitness goals. And an added bonus is I am also making life long friends!

Ruby A.

I started Keto after watching three people I love die due to complications from diabetes. I had gained 50lbs since running a half marathon just two years ago. When the scale stalled, I didn’t want to give up so I started looking for a coach.  After reviewing Michelle Hurn’s profile, her story spoke to me. I signed up immediately, downloaded her brilliant book and set up my first session.
What I have realized in the past two months of working together is that the scale (though moving in the right direction) has become less of a driver for me. I have noticed a HUGE change in my anxiety and my skin is amazing. I feel focused, full, satisfied, clear and happy. My glucose levels are completely stable, my sleep has never been better, my heart rate is lower when working out, my inflammation seems to have completely gone away and I no longer have a “food baby” at the end of each day.
I have been so fortunate to learn from a true expert in this field. I am seeing the truly unlimited potential of my body through fuel. I can’t wait to get stronger, leaner, and healthier. I know with Michelle’s help I will FINALLY lose all my “baby weight” before my kids leave for college in the next four years.
I cannot recommend Michelle Hurn enough. She has changed my life.


I had to throw all my size 12 skinny jeans to the giveaway pile and am now in a size 10 comfortably. I also took all my size XL and LG shirts and put them in the giveaway pile. I’m now in a medium. I have to buy all new summer clothes along with winter. It’s weird thru all this I haven’t focused on my size at all. I’ve focused on my energy, mental health, skin and hair growth. I’m 53 so at the point that I want to be able to move to play with my grandkids and continue my everyday life with gusto. I’m thrilled with these results so far and the next 6 months will work toward gaining more muscle.
